Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bangert Park Florissant, MO World War 2 Tank

Top picture is brightened to enhance the picture.

This picture was tooken of my cousin Angela and her daughter while standing next to a tank. If you look to the right you can see what appears to be an apparition trying to get into the picture.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

03/07/09 Day after investigation.

So the investigation was very interesting. We learned alot about our equipment and different ways to optimize what we are working with. Four of us went to the house and went into the upstairs in pairs of two. One of the fully charged video cameras shut off out of nowhere as well as an old alarm clock going off in the middle of the hallway. In the dark, thats some scary stuff. We caught some good orbs in the master bedroom as well what appears to be some kind of facial shape in the window.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Frdiay 03/06/09 1st real investigation

On Friday night we will be investigating a house in Spanish Lake over a century old. With all of our equipment pretty much lined up and ready to go, this will be our first late night investigation. The house has been reported to be haunted for years with unexplained noises, objects moving by themselves, and even a reported apparition. We will have our 2 Sony Handy Cams with Infared night shot, two Kodak digital cameras, a sony digital audio recorder, and an emf detector. Wish us luck and if we find anything it will surely be posted on the website.